Planers are a vital tool to any woodworkers tool kit, they are used to plane or rebate small amounts of material from a surface. Makita was one of the first powertool manufactures to introduce their cordless planers onto the market. The Makita DKP180 is a very popular choice as it is part of Makita’s vast 18V Li-ion range, it uses a twin bladed planing block to give a planing width of 82mm, a planing depth of 2mm and maximum rebating depth of 9mm. Accessories of the Makita DKP180 include reversible 82mm planer blades (D-07945) and an optional dust bag (122793-0), all available for purchase from us, give us a call today to order yours.
Makita was the first powertool manufacture to introduce a cordless router/trimmer into the tool market. The Makita DRT50 brushless router is an extremely versatile machine that can be used for a number of different routing applications, if equipped with the correct base the DRT50 can be used as both a trimmer and plunge router. There are 4 variations of bases for the DRT50; the 195560-6 trimmer base, 195562-2 offset base, 195561-4 tilt base and 195563-0 plunge base, all available for purchase today.